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TBS INTERNET - SSL certificates broker
Sectigo by TBS INTERNET - SSL certificates broker

Sectigo Code Signing certificates

Code signing certificates are used to sign code and applications. It allows a clear identification of the editor and guarantees the code has not been modified.

Compare the most important technical features of the Sectigo code signing certificates sold by TBS Internet:

Sectigo Code Signing OV Sectigo Code Signing EV
buy buy
Price (1 year) £407 £649
Nb of signables components unlimited unlimited
Average delivery time (1) 6 business days (2) 8 business days (2)
Medium type Cryptographic token Cryptographic token
Standards X509v3, Microsoft Authenticode, Adobe AIR, Mac OS, Java, MS Office Macro and VBA, Mozilla, Microsoft Silverlight, ISO27001:2013 X509v3, Microsoft Authenticode, Adobe AIR, Mac OS, Java, MS Office Macro and VBA, Mozilla, Microsoft Silverlight, ISO27001:2013
Free reissue - -
Feature -- Immediate reputation with Microsoft SmartScreen
Free lifetime reissuance
Money back guarantee - -

(1): Indicative delivery times that can be impacted by occasional disruptions. Consult the up-to-date situation of each supplier
(2): Different delivery options may be offered to you on the order form, modifying the delivery times indicated.

Sales department
+44 330 684 0000

Sectigo SSL certificates
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Our prices are in GBP VAT-less and order-time payment, see also our general sales terms.
Tél : +44 330 684 0000